Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The obligatory Christmas entry….

Christmas eve: Work had me until 3pm, which sucked. The suckiness was counteracted by the fact that I was really quite drunk at work. At the staff and the customers. I managed to keep a straight head with the customers; it’s my colleagues I made more of a show for.

My supervisor was questioned as to whether he would shag a fit monkey or not. He answered yes, but that’s beside the point. He was quite shocked that I asked, as were those around me that heard it.

I spoke to Liam and he was telling me how had auditioned for a porn filmmaker last month. I took this with a pinch of salt, until he showed me the picture that is. Lots of pictures of his cock on his phone were unleashed on me. What could I do but be honest; I complimented Liam on his cock. I questioned him on the nature of the porn he wanted to be in and he told me he’d be humping men on film. I was actually quite blasé about this fact considering I find bumming highly amusing.

I asked big muscley bloke Dave for a picture cos I said he looks like a girl I know. (For any interested who know what im talking about- he looks like Jen!).

After work was over, I joined my father and brother for drinks. Annually we meet on this day and do nothing but get wasted and talk about much we think our mum is brill. ‘cept this year. I bowed out early so I could join Mark and the Murphy girls for drinks. I got an Xmas smooch or two and Dave joined us but I got to see more of him boxing day.

Christmas Day: It was nice. Food, family, friends, socks, smellies and prezzies galore. I reckon we all pretty much did the same thing. No need to document it thoroughly. what was nice is that i conversed Very Very Briefly with Claire (by text message).

Boxing day: watched DVD’s, slept lots. Met up with Dave J on the nighttime. We went to Zach’s for drinks. What was more interesting was that we met up with Dave’s ex-girlfriend, Emma. She was a friend back in my college days and it’s been about two years since I last saw her. We reminisced all night and after dropping Emma off at home, Dave and I returned to my house to smoke some doobie.

The doobie seemed to set certain minds racing, as it was decided at 12:00 AM that we build something out of Simon’s videos (all 300+ of them). We built a huge eye in the middle of our living room and then left it for Simon to receive as a present for his birthday yesterday. What more can you ask for if you’ve got an art attack in your own living room

Thursday, December 23, 2004

nearly there...

i hate the festive period on one factor alone. it makes you think.

its not that i always end up in some sort of introspective rut its just that i got someone to miss right now. dont want to like, but my sentimental synapses are firing left, right and centre. i'll say it here and here alone. Im missing having you around mate. i hope you have a good christmas

This particular christmas run up has been over shadowed by other peoples preparation. customer service advisors seem to live many different scenarios on the run up to christmas, except their own. i've not had any time to think of others (well, the others i want to think of that is). im doing most of my shopping last minute, i gotta experience the christmas rush to its cliched fullest. i'll be just like me mam.

next entry will be one of the many millions of entries describing how xmas day felt around the world.


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Bored of the rings

I pulled my first sicky under gadget shops eyes this week. largely to do with the fact that i've only had one day off a week for the last five weeks. two days really makes a difference. I know i said i liked the listening and all but the only opportunity i get to REALLY listen is when a big complaint is being made. i get that a lot of these people might be relly top in real life but when on the other end of the phone to me, they come across as wicked bad vibe merchants.

anyway, the sicky was pulled on monday. that very day paul and simon decided to pull an all day stint watching all three of the extended versions of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. a hefty amount of cinema magic to take in with just one film, let alone three. As much it was nice for Simon and Paul, i personally would never take up that much time in the living room for one event and i considered it a bit rude that the whim of one person can take precedent in a house of four very different people.

This same day Paul met my dad for the first time. He seemed quite glad that at least one member of my family had any appreciation for sport. its probably the longest conversation my dad has got out of any of my friends about anything ever also.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

You have 30 seconds to comply.....

goddam. loads has happened.

First of all, go me for having a real job now. gadget shop customer services were due close on christmas eve. not now, whic means i got me some work.

Anyhoo. Emma's birthday happenned last weekend. as per the rules, a party happenned. It were another one of those fancy dress affairs we all seem to love. Efforts by Paul (cowboy) Simon(American Civil war soldier) Andy (pirate) and wally (spiv from dads army) are to be awarded. I went as santa clause; largely out of poverty. It was a suit a bought for a party 2 years ago.

The party happened, it were all good as family shindiggs go. Then the Spiders happenned.

I was very popular that night what with my santa outfit and all. in total i was asked for a PS2, a BMX, a malibu Barbie and an egg sandwhich. that was fun.
The 2nd time i saw emma all night was when she informed me she had lost her parents. That seemed to go over my head a bit.
most amazingly, i actually had a good time at spiders that night. Mainly because of all the old faces that were present that night. Even my Bezzie mate mark managed to show his face.

The best part of the night came much later.

After arriving home from spiders with paul and Zoe (paul was loads trying to get to do her), teakaway was ordered. A lengthy wait for a knock at the door passed, and a noise was heard at the door. Paul hurried off to answer in anticipation of his meal but was met with something rather unexpected at our door....

...Armed Police!

Yep. turns out Simon, of all people, was caught on CCTV, wearing his fancy dress costume, with fake rifle in hand. Obviously this sighting had feathers ruffled back at the police cave. Enough to send Tree armed policemen to our door anyway. The situ was cleared up evevntually, after we had to wake simon. All this time i were hurriedly trying to find somewhere to stash my weed. Stoners and armed police make strange bedfellows.

i baked me some space biscuits this week and my they have gone down a treat. the giggly of weed at the price of resin. top banana!

it bin five weeks now. She certainly is commited. Her loss. silly Bint