Monday, February 20, 2006

"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything"

I have recieved objective and unsolcited praise for my music. Makes a change from asking my friends to be nice about me.

I did think about not telling you all what was said, but my ego has already spilled over onto the net by the meer presence of this blog.

I was told that i sounded original by one of my new fans and they said they liked, of all things, my singing voice.

Tell strangers about me....

Friday, February 17, 2006

Hit parade...

I have posted one of my new songs on Just clickify the linkage in the side bar that sez 'my music'. Enjoy

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Tossed salads and scrambled eggs...

I missed out on 3 shifts at work this work. My body, as it invariably does, backfired on me again. This time it has lovingly furnished me with monstrous toothache and trapped wind. The former making me unable to concentrate on nothing but the pain meant i would have been useless on the phone. 4day weekend for me. Thanks body....

I decided that i should show my face at my brother's house warming party. Largely to make a point; he had'nt invited me. It was fun to a degree, but in hindsight, i reckong im going to avoid any social events involving my brother and his friends in the future.

First of all there was little scrawny fella who could not and would not obey Spliff ettiquette. this fact was highlighted by the fact that i was the only person there with weed and not resin. as i was skinning up, he was on at me to get it finished (called me "amateur" because i was'nt going as fast as he liked), then when i sparked up, he waited until it got to him and then, with a fair amount of the joint to go, disappeared into the kitchen to finish it all to himself. When it comes to recreational drugs, i like to share the wealth. But not when it comes to cheeky twats like him.

Secondly, and this was the one that had me the most peeved, i had one of brothers friend go off an unnecessary and wrong may i add, tyranical rant. I had two points to make to this fella:
  • I work in market research BUT
  • i do not represent market research and what he doesnt like about

Now (and any one of my closest friends can back me up on this) i can talk at an alarming speed people, often dont get what i say and have to ask me to repeat myself. This is exacerbated by drug and alcohol intake. So, with a couple of points to press and an already intoxicating amount of alcohol counsumed, my brothers friend took this as something else completely and went off on his rant. he said i always come across as a cunt, i was talking to fast so as to confuse him on purpose. he then started to tell me how he'd "been there" (in a tone that was suggesting that i had'nt and know nothing). He said i always try to analyse things and make myself look cleverer.

This was'nt the case. I was just talking too fast. but i am going to analyse it now. given that he went off on one because he miunderstood my intentions conversationally speaking, everything he accused me of not being and not understanding was clearly one big projection of a lot of his own insecurities. Only one other person has been this wrong about me in the past and i dont talk to her anymore....

I've been typing this with ease because i got a new keyboard and dont have to destroy the space bar every time a space is required...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Theres a fit deaf woman in it as well...

i watched a very engrossing and thought provoking film the other night. Its called What the #$*! do we know .

I would judge it as a think piece but the subjects covered are way too deep and academic for me to give my full opinion of the films content.

Hunt it down or ask me and i'll lend it to you....