Saturday, July 29, 2006

Girls, eh?

Its no news to my friends that i am completely infatuated by my friend Claire. This i openly admitted to her last night. I was drunk, in a foul mood over something i probably had no business being in a mood over and it kinda just came out.

right now i feel:

1. bad- i feel i've let claire down by harrbouring these feelings
2. anxious - I dont know if she's talking to me
3. scared - of pushing her away because of my rotten behaviour

It all stems from the fact that i've seen friends be something more to her than i could ever be. this frustrates the hell out of me.
It should be acknowledged that (not counting drunken outbursts) i have never pressed this issue. I have kept this under wraps for as long as i could

i just want to be able to conentrate on being her friend again....

Thursday, July 27, 2006


For 2 weeks now i've had to navigate my PC using the keyboard alone (i destroyed my mouse in a fit of frustration). im getting quite adept at using all the shortcuts required, but it's still annoying as hell.

It does'nt help that my space bar is sticky and i pretty much have to twat the elongated mother fucker to make me a space (its taken lots of energy to get this far in my entry). In a related bout of frustration i prized the space bar off the keyboard to see if i could remedy the situation. To no avail. What makes matters worse is the fact that during my impromtu makeover, i corrupted the 'C' key. Any use of the letter results in about 3-4 attempts at creating whichever word im trying to construct. And the sound it makes when i tap it has more treble than the other keys....

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Dedicated to John Ottoman...

A lot has happend since i last posted:

- I travelled by aeroplane for the first time ever. I made a short visit to Dublin to See Guns n Roses then flew back the next day. All 3 events were awesome.
- Got admitted to hospital. An abcess developed in my mouth. the infection that caused the abcess leaked into my body and started playing havoc with my diabetes. I had to have the abcess drained (THE most single painful experience i've had in my life so far), 3 teeth extracted and i had to stay on a ward with cantankerous, miserable, racist old men.

right now, family life is surrounded by a lot mortality issues. both of my Nans are approaching zero hour and its all a bit topsy turvy, emotinally speaking.....