Thursday, January 13, 2005

i say potato, you say potarto

it happened. Claire and i met up for a drink and discussed all that which needed discussing. The whole thing went quite pleasantly.

Truth be known i could rant for quite a while about how glad i was last night happened but i figure one night in pub doesnt compare to the fact that i still got a friend that i once thought i might never have again.

in other news. i got me my first practice of the year with dan tomorrow night. i really and truly hope that this year i can persuade him to get off his arse and perform somewhere other than Adelphi. We got the songs, we got way more balls than we first set out and we got people who are actually waiting to see us do our stuff. Saying that, dan doesnt like it when i ask people to come watch us perform. i dont really get it myself. He's quite the misanthrope, so as long as they're not bothering him (and holding me in rapture :-P) he should be happy. maybe he just doesnt want to drive me down to lamp so save on petrol.

time for going. bye now

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