Thursday, January 20, 2005

My Favourite door

My Favourite Door

The door i speak of is a door that resides in my friends downstairs toilet. Ever since i first set foot in their house and used this toilet, i've always caught mysaelf wondering what may lie beyond this door. given that its a door in a toilet, you've probably made a few estimations yourself and i reckon i've brushed upon these ideas also.

y'see, as much my friends wouldnt be offended if i were to peek behind this door, i find myself striving to keep it a secret to myself. when confronted by those wanting to tell me, i back away. these friends know me well enough, they know enough to back down themselves. My want to retain the mystique is a source of humour for these friends (quite understandably, afterall, its only a door) some are puzzled slightly, some understand that its me being me and shrug it off.

This is the only door that i ever really think about at length. Its the only door i dont take for granted.

There is a lesson in my story (ask my friends they'll tell you its true). Alas im going to have to leave you to figure it out for yourselves

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