Sunday, February 13, 2005

ho hum...

If im to be totally honest, im probably best off doing it here.

Its the Claire thing again.

i feel im making the effort with her right now, because i feel i have to. not because i carry any great sense of comrdre or unity with her, just because its gotta look like its mended after what she did to me for those 2 months.

Other than that, she has burnt her bridges.
dont get me wrong i do consider her a close friend and i do so adore here, but this friend is, quite frankly, odd.

She doesnt know what she wants, and in not knowing, she is (and has done a number of times) breaking hearts. its what she does best.

normally i could let this go, but it turns out that after asking if she was fine with the whole man situ, she in turn went to ask one of her potential suitors WHY i was asking. i was showing concern, nothing more. if she wants to question that very simple concept, i feel i should withdraw my voice from any proceedings. its like asking superman why he wants to save the world

What i know about this girl has always been more than she thinks i know (i've been best friends with two of her Ex-boyfriends). in this understanding, it is my opinion she has managed to put a lot of friends in the position where we could help her, but we dont want to and cant be arsed (all for differing reasons). she has put us in this position herself, she uses those who can help her and all the meaning is lost.
she freely admits that she uses other people, but im not sure she has assessed the long term affects of her actions Others say she has nobody that will say no to her. this is certainly true, to the point where nobody will say to her what i've just written. she needs a wake up call.

if she really does require any support from her friend, she knows where am but she's gotta face a whole bunch o demons before im going to want to help.

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