Wednesday, November 09, 2005

No Super powers as of yet....

I payed a visit to the hospital today for my MRI scan today.

After seeing a consultant a couple of months back, the x-rays revealed that my bones are'nt fitting into their sockets correctly (more square than round). So they sent me to get an altogether more industrial sized scan.

My Skeleton. Yesterday.

I was dressed for the occasion, tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt, all items with no metal bits so as not to mess up the procedure.

After lying down on the bed, they put my feet together then selotaped them to keep them together.

The machine makes a god awful noise. like a highly localised construction site (what i imagine the doozers would make). to combat this, they place headphones on you, piping through easy listening jazz tracks to relax to while your body is bombarded with magnetic fields.

It were'nt half uncomfortable by the end, all that staying still i had to do. I hope from this that the cause of my pain is truly established. putting on my socks is murder....


Anonymous said...

square peg in a round hole eh, ouch!! time to learn to walk on your hands mate.

Anonymous said...

do it too many times and your cock will turn into a magnet.true.also true, almost 60% of icelandics still believe in you? next time your in iceland buying your frozen chips ask

Anonymous said...

did you also have the lego wankhands?.