Monday, March 27, 2006

I wandered lonely as a cloud....

I have this piece i wrote two or three years back. It's only words as i could never find the right sound to go with it to complete it as a song. I am rather proud of it, it being one of my first efforts as a lyricist. In lew of its musical defficency i've decided to enter the piece into the 2006 national poetry competition.

I have never considered myself a poet (i find the term far too pretentious) and i dont consider myself to have the talent of Neil Hannon, Eminem or Morrissey (wordsmiths i admire) for lyrical prose but i reckon i should see this one through, see if any other artistic community might be willing to welcome me in even if it is just for a cuppa and a natter...


Anonymous said...

You want to avoid pretentiousness? So why can't us average scrubbers read it? are we, your prosaic pals with our simple minds, unprepared for this visionary verbosity with which you hope to acquire new arty associates?
or summat?

Eddie said...

if i put up the piece in the first instance, it attracts criticism. If, like i already have, just make people aware of the piece, it attracts interest. i want to be wanted....