Thursday, October 21, 2004

two months later

I lied about that whole family tree thing. im nowhere near talking to any ancient relatives. I keep getting the same old tales from me da cos its not like you can look your parents in the eye and tell them you've heard it all before and its not getting any more interesting. I suppose i have my self to blame as well. im just a teensy weensy bit scared of meeting relatives on my dad's side of the family.

I did, as promosed to the world and myself, get round to writing and recording songs. I've managed to do that twice in the past week on my own. The others we're written and recorded with the help of my good friend and writing partner Dan. Altogether we have 5 songs recorded (we have way more) and are close to having our own EP (we're called stuffed monkey look out for us).

The last couple of months have also been a bit tarnished with behaviour from me that i can honestly say has been quite intolerable. I have managed to upset a very close friend. In summary, i lost my temper and invaded her personal space in a very aggressive manner. Things have changed slightly between us. I've not seen as much of her since the incident. We still chat, it's not like we alienate eachother but i have lost a certain something in her that i will have to work hard to attain again.

the other crap behaviour was aimed again at another female friend. Her story may come, it may not. i aint promising anything. either way, it were me being rubish again.

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